Experience experts on the USA Phone Number List (millennials) Christina, Hester, Tim, Anne, and Naomi tell us how they view 'ensuring and binding' and what an organization should and should not do. In addition to the 'Y's', we also spoke with occupational and organizational psychologist Geertje Peneder of Generations Inc. It became instructive conversations on USA Phone Number List about fascination, binding, and the need for the 3BS! Get to know the internal drivers “For the young generation, preconditions such as salary are often not the most relevant,” says Geertje Peneder. “It's important, but it's even more about connecting with the internal USA Phone Number List drivers.
Only in this way can you find and maintain the USA Phone Number List connection with this generation. Variety is a good example of an internal motivation that consultants, among others, can connect well with. Seeing many different customers is a motivation that appeals to young people.” Naomi: “Personal attention to my growth is important to me.” But what are the internal motivations of this generation? For Christina, learning and development are USA Phone Number List more important than salary. “The step from training to the work field is a big one. You don't have some knowledge when you just start working”, adds Hester. “It's nice to watch with senior colleagues and to learn and gain the necessary experience in this way. Both professionally and USA Phone Number List organizationally.”
Other motivations that emerge during the USA Phone Number List conversations are a pleasure in work, appreciation, and achieving results together. Anne agrees: “For me, a day is only really successful if I have worked well together, notice that colleagues are satisfied and I have received compliments.” Having a conversation Geertje indicates that USA Phone Number List organizations make assumptions too quickly. “It is true that the young generation values flexibility. But what does flexibility mean to them? And how do you respond to that as an organization?” Her tip? “Involve several generations USA Phone Number List in these kinds of issues.